How to use your CGCDesigns Planner - 12th July 2022


Here at CGCDesigns we wanted to create a planner that had the structure of a diary but the creative freedom of a bullet journal.  We found that many people in the bujo community were asking how to bullet journal or struggling to find time to complete a full spread each day, week, month etc. We wanted to allow them to start their bullet journal, spending a quick moment planning each day without needing hundreds of bullet journal supplies and create the perfect approach for bullet journaling for beginners and people asking how to start a bullet journal for the first time.  

So how does our planner work? Our planner is laid out to provide the best bullet journal experience. We have split our planner into three sections.

  • Weekly spreads – Including space to write your plans for each day of the week and the weekend, a goals section and a notes section.

  • Daily Spreads – which has sections for To Do’s, Priority Tasks, Appointments, Notes and Actions from tasks.

  • Blank pages – these pages allow you to track extra information and include your own creative elements by adding your own bullet journal layout. In this section you could include a monthly spread, calendar, a mood tracker, habit tracker, future log, finance tracker or anything else you wish.

To see our Tiktok on how to use your planner click here or to donate to help the CGCDesigns Planners grow donate here!